Council Issues Enforcement Notice on 32 Pollards Hill North

Back in November 2015 the Council refused planning permission to retain a single storey rear extension. The applicant appealed. The Planning Inspector rejected the appeal in April this year.

For the Inspector the main issue was ‘the effect of the proposal on the living conditions of neighbours.’

The property is a two storey home in a residential area.

‘The fall of the land is such that the end of the extension is in a markedly elevated position and a balcony has been added which is not referred to on the submitted plans.’

The Council was ‘concerned that the development is detrimental to the amenities of the occupiers of adjoining property by reason of its size and siting resulting in loss of light, visual intrusion and loss of outlook. This type of extension is limited under Council policies to a projection of 3 metres. ‘The combined projection of the latest works attached to previous extension would be 5.8 metres using the Appellant’s figures.’ The ‘scale of the appeal proposal’ is ‘a step too far’  in the opinion of the Inspector. ‘The proximity, projection distance and height of this edifice in relation to the two rear facing windows and patio area of the neighbouring semi-detached property is such that there would be unacceptable loss of daylight and outlook. I would deem the ‘blinkering’ effect to be most unneighbourly and unacceptable in residential amenity terms.’

The Inspector concluded that  the appeal scheme would run contrary to Council planning policies and the London Plan which seek to protect ‘residential amenity for people living alongside development.

The Inspector considered that ‘the scheme would represent very unfortunate design’; ‘it does not reflect the existing development pattern and visual character of these dwellings.’  In ‘terms of balcony type and location and the extension’s scale, massing, fenestration, projection and consequent elevation which is an alien box like adjunct.’

He did however point to misunderstandings between the Council and the applicant.

As a result the Council issued an Enforcement Notice under Section 172 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 ‘because of the breach of planning control has occurred within the last four years.’ ‘The development is detrimental to the amenities of the occupiers of adjoining property by reason of its size and siting resulting in loss of light, visual intrusion and loss of outlook.’

The JPC is asking when action will be taken to ensure compliance with the notice.

The full appeal decision can be seen at


About seancreighton1947

I have lived in Norbury since July 2011. I blog on Croydon, Norbury and history events,news and issues. I have been active on local economy, housing and environment issues with Croydon TUC and Croydon Assembly. I have submitted views to Council Committees and gave evidence against the Whitgift Centre CPO and to the Local Plan Inquiry. I am a member of Norbury Village Residents Association and Chair of Norbury Community Land Trust, and represent both on the Love Norbury community organisations partnership Committee. I used to write for the former web/print Croydon Citizen. I co-ordinate the Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and Croydon Radical History Networks and edit the North East Popular Politics history database. I give history talks and lead history walks. I retired in 2012 having worked in the community/voluntary sector and on heritage projects. My history interests include labour, radical and suffrage movements, mutuality, Black British, slavery & abolition, Edwardian roller skating and the social and political use of music and song. I have a particular interest in the histories of Battersea and Wandsworth, Croydon and Lambeth. I have a publishing imprint History & Social Action Publications.
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